Spring 2025 | European, African, and Asian Adventure

Family Port

Your Virtual Destination for Resources and Tools for your student’s upcoming voyage. Regardless of language or geographic location, we know Semester at Sea Families are partners in this amazing experience of growing global citizens. 

Familie, família, family, أسرة, familia, obitelj, οικογένεια, aile, familia, family, परिवार, ಕುಟುಂಬದ, കുടുംബം, कुटुंब, परिवार, ପରିବାର, ਪਰਿਵਾਰ, குடும்ப, కుటుంబం, خاندان  

Families as Partners

Our Mission — journeys of discovery that spark bold solutions to global challenges. 

Over the next several months, we look forward to working with voyagers on this amazing journey spanning oceans, countries, and cultures. Families make the experience possible through emotional, financial, and logistical support for many of our voyagers. We’ve gathered information often requested and provided it on this site. 

We prioritize respecting the privacy rights of our adult student voyagers. To that end, we inform students when a family member or friend contacts ISE or the Voyage Leadership Team with a concern. This aligns with FERPA regulations and empowers students to advocate for themselves. We want to be sure you were informed of this practice in the event that you want to share a concern or information with us.

Our professional staff is available Monday through Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Mountain Time.  You may reach us at (800) 854-0195 or email familysupport@semesteratsea.org for questions or concerns.

Our team works to grow self-advocacy and autonomy skills in our voyagers, especially in the pre-voyage preparation stages. We will almost always insist students are included in individual meetings, emails, and calls. Questions that can not be answered in the portal are handled by our team of professional advisors prior to the voyage. As the voyage embarks, our Voyage Staculty (faculty and staff team) and the Crew join our home office team to create global citizens with greater confidence and self-advocacy.

Embarkation & Disembarkation

Please note that additional travel information can be found in the student community portal, including airport and hotel recommendations.

Embarkation on
January 5, 2025

Port Information

Bangkok Port (ท่าเรือกรุงเทพ), also referred to as Khlong Toei Port (ท่าเรือคลองเตย)
Khlong Toei Subdistrict, Khlong Toei District, Bangkok 10110 (แขวงคลองเตย เขตคลองเตย กรุงเทพมหานคร 10110)

We encourage travelers to arrive in Bangkok at least 1-2 days prior to embarkation to allow for possible travel or luggage delay. 

Students will be assigned an embarkation time between 0830 and 1400 roughly two weeks before embarkation and should arrive at the port at their assigned time. 

Disembarkation on
April 20, 2025

Port Information

Columbus Cruise Terminal
Port of Bremerhaven
Bremerhaven, Germany

Do not book a flight prior to late evening of April 20. The clearance, disembarkation, and luggage retrieval process can take the entire morning of April 20. The closest airports to Bremerhaven are Bremen (approximately 45 minutes away by car or 1.5 by train) and Hamburg (approximately 2 hours away by car or 2.5 by train). Make sure to plan your post-disembarkation travel with plenty of buffer time.

Supporting your Student after Embarkation

If your student is struggling during the first few days of the voyage, remind them of the many resources they have available to them. Below are some great questions to ask, depending on their situation:

  • Have you talked to your RD? 
    Resident directors are trained in managing student concerns.
  • Did you check out a student organization? 
    Student orgs are a great way to connect with like-students and find a group of friends.
  • Did you visit the counseling center? 
    There are two professionally trained counselors on the voyage whose goal is to support students!
  • Did you talk with the health team in the clinic? 
    Use these folks as a resource in finding the right nutrition for you.
  • Have you spoken to the Dining Manager or Head Waiter? 
    The on-ship dining team will cater to nearly all dietary restrictions and will do their best to meet dietary preferences.
  • Did you talk to your faculty member? 
    Faculty understand that classes on-board are non-traditional. Try checking in with them.
  • Have you visited the Academic Advisor? 
    This staff member is there to support student academic concerns.
  • Did you talk to your RD? 
  • Have you called Reception?

Important Dates and Deadlines

July 8, 2024Financial Aid Applications Open
September 19, 2024Financial Aid Applications Close
September 30, 2024Financial Aid Awards Announced
October 1, 2024Field Program Registration Begins
October 7, 2024Health and Medical Forms Due
October 8, 2024Course Registration Begins
October 16, 2024Payment Deadline
October 16, 2024 Last Day to Sign up for Payment Plan
October 16, 2024Last Day to Sign up for Cancel For Any Reason Trip Insurance
October 31, 2024Field Program Early Registration Deadline
November 1, 2024Learning Accommodations Due
November 6, 2024Passport Upload Due
December 6, 2024All Signed Contracts/Agreements Due
December 12, 2024Visa Uploads Due

Communicate, Celebrate, Let Go

Plan to have a discussion with your voyager before they leave regarding communication and DO NOT expect or encourage them to communicate with you a lot. The students will be very busy! In addition to their studies and their in-country travel, they will be very involved with a whole new community onboard with many opportunities to get involved and meet new people. The experience while away from home has lots to offer your voyager. Let them go!”

– Teresa, SAS Parent Council President 2022
Strategize Communication

Communicating with loved ones across oceans and time zones brings additional challenges. Your voyager will also be very busy with travel, classes, field programs, and working to form new friendships and relationships through the Semester at Sea community. Here are some tips and common strategies for communicating. 

  • Timing: The Academic Calendar outlines which days the students are on the ship and which days they are in port.
  • Sending Mail to the Ship: Mailing information can be found here.
  • Calling the Ship: Family members and friends can call the ship 24-hours a day by dialing the toll-free number: 800-305-9203. The caller will be asked to provide a credit card that will be charged approximately $3.95 per minute. Your call will then be connected directly to your voyager’s cabin. Voyagers can purchase phone cards on the ship to place outgoing phone calls. 
  • Email Communications: The best way to reach a voyager is via their SAS email address which is firstname.lastname.SP25@semesteratsea.org (i.e. jane.doe.sp25@semesteratsea.org).

You can still celebrate birthdays, admissions acceptance, moments of self-advocacy, and other milestones with cakes, massages, nail services, and much more. Please visit our shipboard services page to learn more about options and deadlines. We do not recommend placing any orders until after embarkation.

24-Hour Emergency Crisis Number

If you have a crisis related to your voyager, please call 1-602-693-0839. This is our 24-hour emergency crisis answering service staffed by our team in the U.S. who will work to relay messages and information to our colleagues abroad. This number should be used if your student is in crisis and unable the advocate for themselves.

Contact us with a Concern

A lost passport, an ER visit, or being a victim of theft are all difficult experiences, but not an instance where ISE will automatically notify an emergency contact. We understand families may be concerned and may want some extra care, so please feel free to reach out to connect with our U.S. team. Students are coached to reach out to their ship staculty (professional staff) who can help coordinate immediate support and longer-term academic, medical, and emotional care and resources. 

If you need ISE staff assistance, email familysupport@semesteratsea.org. We will respond within 24 hours during the week and 72 hours over the weekend.

Health & Safety

Over the course of our 60-year history, we’ve continuously refined our health and safety protocols, implemented progressive preventative measures, and developed vital partnerships that enable us to make informed decisions and take quick action when needed.

Medical Care

Medical Care for voyagers includes a combination of services and systems on-ship and within each country. Our ship sails with a medical team who can address urgent medical concerns, similar to a visit to urgent care in the United States. Health Care systems in-port will vary by country and are updated at each pre-port lecture with information about emergency care covered by the CISI travel insurance program

COVID-19 Safety

The health and safety of our voyagers and crew are the most important considerations on any Semester at Sea voyage. We are continually monitoring and adjusting our protocols to comply with best practice guidelines and global recommendations set by the Centers for Disease ControlWorld Health OrganizationU.S. State DepartmentEuropean Medicines AgencyInternational Maritime Organization and the Cruise Line Industry Association.

Health Clearance

Each voyager completes a Health History Form which allows key medical determinations and information to be shared with providers on the ship and, when necessary, in-country providers. Please help us in ensuring all medical history information is shared so that your student voyager can receive accurate and timely care no matter the clinic, country, or condition. In addition to a completed Health History Form, there is also a mental health questionnaire and supplemental forms for any medical or mental health specialists.  

Global Conflicts & Peace

Semester at Sea is a member of the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) and routinely communicates with U.S. State Department officials to avoid potential conflict areas. Global Studies courses, Seminars, In-Port Lectures, and other opportunities provide an opportunity to examine and better understand global conflict and the work many are doing to create peace and change throughout the world.    

Family Events

We hope you’ll engage in one of our virtual events designed to reach families throughout the world. If you are looking to engage through social media, you can like and follow us at our links at the bottom of this page. Our active alumni community also organizes a number of in-person and virtual events which are open to families and future voyagers.

Upcoming Virtual Events

Health and Safety Webinar – for parents/family members/caregivers of students
Tuesday, October 15 at 3:00 PM Mountain Time
Register Here

Cultural Preport Webinar – learn about life and culture on the MV World Odyssey
Wednesday, November 13 at 1:00 PM Mountain Time
Register Here

Logistical Preport Webinar – hear about travel, health and safety, and embarkation details
Wednesday, December 4 at 1:00 PM Mountain Time
Register Here

Previous Event Recordings

Finances and Financial Aid – September 17, 2024

Academic Course Registration Preparation – September 24, 2024

Finances & Money

Semester at Sea invoicing systems are individualized to each student and contain sensitive information. Each student can access their financial expenses, credits, and updated bills through the Student Portal. Questions about finances can be answered by a Student Services Advisor.

Program Costs & Budgeting Tools

The opportunity to experience college aboard a  floating university is something most of our students and families must include in their financial planning well in advance. As questions arise, we encourage students and their families to connect with their Student Support Advisor for personalized guidance. For an estimated breakdown of costs, please download the voyage budget sheet.

How to Make Payments 

Family members or emergency contacts do not have access to directly make payments as accounts are linked to the online account each student creates to utilize the online portal. Payment options include: 

  • Monthly Payment Plan: Students may break the program fee balance into chunks with more time to pay. Students will enroll in an interest-free payment plan by emailing saspaymentplan@semesteratsea.org. The benefit includes having three additional months to make final payments. More information can be found on the SAS Payment Plan FAQThe deadline to enroll is October 16, 2024.
  • Managing Incidental Costs: During the voyage, students will bill expenses on the ship to an account. Students receive a monthly itemized statement and provide a credit card for mandatory expenses such as fuel surcharges along with incidental expenses like laundry and snacks. Families and voyagers will often need to establish mutual expectations and budgets to manage costs of these incidental expectations.
  • 529 Plans: State 529 plans can generally be used, with approval of the 529 organization, for study abroad. However, they will only release the funds to a Title IV institution so the check has to be sent to our academic partner, Colorado State University (CSU). CSU cannot disburse funds directly to Semester at Sea (SAS), so the process is lengthy and goes like this:
    1. SAS sends an invoice to the 529 company
    2. 529 company sends a check to CSU
    3. CSU receives the check and direct deposits it into the student’s account (you will have to set up a direct deposit with CSU)
    4. The student then pays their bill to SAS directly.

Keep in mind this process can take weeks or months. Students should reach out to financialaid@isevoyages.org as soon as possible when hoping to use 529 funding towards the voyage.

Increasing Access Regardless of Income

Semester at Sea is committed to increasing access to our program to all students regardless of income. Students should work with their advisor to understand their expenses and need, how and when aid like loans and grant transfers, and what opportunities unique to Semester at Sea for which they would qualify.

Additional links which may be helpful:

Semester at Sea Trip Protection Insurance Options

A Semester at Sea voyage represents a major investment for students and parents in both time and money. We want to be certain that parents and students have an opportunity to protect their financial commitment. In an effort to minimize any potential financial loss, Semester at Sea strongly urges that travel insurance is obtained. To assist with this, Semester at Sea has identified a third-party provider of trip protection plans, Education Insurance. You will need to work directly with them to secure this protection.

  • To be eligible for optional Cancel or Interrupt for Any Reason coverage, you must purchase the plan prior to the Semester at Sea final payment due date, October 16.
  • You are not be eligible for the optional Cancel or Interrupt for Any Reason coverage (CFAR or IFAR) if you enroll in the insurance plan after Semester at Sea’s final payment due date (October 16), however, the base plan will still be available.
  • You have the option of enrolling in the base plan any time prior to the day before departure (January 4).
  • If you enroll in the voyage after October 16, you will have three weeks from deposit date to enroll in optional CFAR or IFAR coverage. The base plan will still also be available to you up until the day before departure.
  • This plan has a maximum trip cost of $25,000. If your costs exceed $25,000, please use the maximum, otherwise you will receive a message that states no plans are available.

View Plan Information and Get a Quote

We urge parents and students to carefully consider this option for your family since Semester at Sea’s program fee is not refundable for any reason (including forced withdrawal for medical and/or mental health reasons) after the semester commences at initial embarkation. Please direct any questions about quoting, enrollment, coverage, etc., to Semester at Sea’s partner Education Insurance Plans and they will assist you. Please call or email them at:

David Galvin – dgalvin@educationinsuranceplans.com
Michael Galvin – mgalvin@educationinsuranceplans.com
Phone: (401) 227-8455

Parents of Gap Year Students

We know that Gap Year students experience the voyage a little differently and Semester at Sea is here to support them from deposit to final disembarkation. To help them stay on top of pre-voyage tasks, make sure to ask them for their login and password for their student portal. This way you can get access to all of the information they have, see who their advisor is, and have access to making payments on their account. Also, make sure they have you (and anyone else they want to receive information) listed as an emergency contact so you will receive emails from us. 

Want to know more about being a gap year student on our program? Check out these short videos:
Gap Year After High School?
A Day in the Life of a Gap Year Student


  • GAP students may enroll in either 9 credits [New Student Seminar (3 credits) + Global Studies (3 credits) + 1 other course] OR 12 credits [New Student Seminar (3 credits) + Global Studies (3 credits) + 2 other courses].
  • Gap year students can only enroll in 100 or 200 level courses that don’t require prerequisites. We strongly recommend only taking 9 credits as a gap year student.
  • For more information, review the Academic tab of your voyager’s student portal.

Financial Aid:

  • Gap year students are not eligible for federal financial aid (i.e. Pell Grants, federal student loans) because they are not enrolled in an accredited 2 or 4 year college/university program that leads to a degree.
  • Gap year students are eligible for our scholarships and should research applying for other private scholarships.
  • Filling out the FAFSA is still useful. 1) It can be used if they have plans to attend a college/university after attending SAS. 2) The summary report that includes the SAI (Student Aid Index) can be used to apply for our scholarships.
  • If needed, private school loans are also an option.
  • For more information, review the Funding Your Voyage tab of your voyager’s student portal.

Webinars: There will be a health and safety webinar geared for parents and family members a few months before the voyage. Part of the webinar will be specific to parents of Gap Year students, so be sure to attend if you are able. If not, a recording will be shared here and on your student’s portal.

Have questions or concerns?

For many gap year students, this will be the first time they are away from home for such a significant amount of time. Your voyager may experience homesickness, worry or anxiety. Just know that this is normal and we’re here to support you. Please feel free to reach out to familysupport@semesteratsea.org or medical@semesteratsea.org if you or your voyager have concerns or would like to speak to a counselor.

Creating Global Citizens

Semester at Sea students engage with people of other cultures, learning how they live and what makes them unique. These experiences combined with academic context and a supportive community allow for lasting shifts in perception toward a global worldview.

Semester at Sea offers global comparative education in academic partnership with Colorado State University, integrating comparative experiential study, interdisciplinary coursework, and relevant field classes in multiple countries. Semester at Sea has served as a pioneer in multiple-country, comparative education for more than 50 years. Global comparative education is a form of international study that identifies and connects the world’s peoples, patterns, cultures and traditions. Throughout the semester, disciplines and thematic issues are viewed cross-culturally and from a global perspective.

Course Planning
During the voyage, students select academic courses drawn from 20 – 25 fields of study that are integrated with relevant field classes in up to a dozen countries, allowing for an experiential, comparative education that is truly global. Each student will register for three courses in addition to the required Global Studies course for a total of four courses, or 12 credits. The Academic Calendar can be helpful to see which days students are onboard learning and which days are in-port.
Field Classes
Every course has a required in-country component called a Field Class. Field Classes are one day in duration and are custom developed and facilitated by the teaching faculty. Field Classes bring the learning of the classroom to life and constitute 20% of a student’s grade. You can find information on the Field Class date and location on the course information page.
Field Programs
All voyagers can choose to participate in Semester at Sea-designed trips called Field Programs (registration available on a rolling basis starting in October). Designed with a spirit of discovery and safety in mind, Field Programs maximize resources while providing unique insights, grand adventures, and a lifetime of memories! These programs are an additional cost and partner with local travel and education organizations.
Independent Travel
Outside of SAS-designed Field Classes and Field Programs, voyagers may arrange their own travel within each country. This provides some flexibility with additional exploration options, the ability to set one’s pace, and cost/budget flexibility. It is important to note that the ship is open 24/7 when students are in port allowing voyagers to avoid additional expenses for lodging and meals. We strongly encourage students to travel in groups to maximize safety.
Transfer Credit Success
Our admissions team works closely with students and their home study abroad office to ensure a smooth transfer of credit. Please note that many colleges/universities require that their students obtain prior approval in order to transfer earned credit from Semester at Sea.

Please be in touch with us should you have an questions or concerns. Our professional staff is available Monday through Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Mountain Time. You may reach us at (800) 854-0195 or send us an email.

Recent Voyage News

  • Fall 2024 News
    State of the Institute — Fall 2024
    Read More
  • a group of students sit in a circle in teal chairs, active in discussion with one another
    Global Education
    Study Abroad For Education Majors: Benefits, Tips & More
    Read More
  • Fall 2024 Fall 2024
    Meet Our Fall 2024 Voyage Leadership Team (VoLT)
    Read More

Questions? We are here to help!

Get in touch to learn more about how you can support your student on the voyage of a lifetime.