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Trekking to Trafalgar

Keelee Martin and Gail Klevens, both from the University of Hawaii at Hilo, power uphill from the village of Barbate into the Brena Natural Park in the Andalucia region of Spain.

With scenic views surrounding the trail, the hike from Barbate to Ca√±os de Meca showed voyagers the greener side of Spain. The smell of lavender and rosemary lingering in the air along the way, their journey into the Bre√±a Natural Park was a welcome connection to nature and the outdoors. “It had beautiful views. I’ve not been having nearly as much outdoor activity. So it was a nice change of pace,” said Evelyn Stroh, from University of Alabama Tuscaloosa.

Navigating through a variety of landscapes from dirt trails in the luscious green forest to cliffs peering toward Africa, the hike showed a gorgeous side of Spain many students had not yet experienced. “I was looking forward to getting out and being able to walk around and see something outside of Cadiz. It was really pretty and very secluded,” added Steven Paster, Truman State University student.

Looking out into the xxx students search for the outline of the African coast, which can be seen from this lookout on a rare clear day.
Looking out into the Atlantic Ocean students search for the outline of the African coast, which can be seen from this lookout on a rare clear day.
The group's trail guide points out a xxxx, the only indigenous form of palm tree in Spain.
The group’s trail guide points out the only indigenous form of palm tree in Spain. Stopping along the way, they examined many local plants during their time in Bre√±a Natural Park.
Left: The group rests under the first round tower they encountered along the way. These towers were commisioned by the King in the x century to protect the coastline from the Moors. Right: The Trafalgar Lighthouse comes into vision for the first time during the hike. The group then descended for the remainder of the hike to reach their intended destination.
Left: Voyagers seek shade under the first round tower encountered along their trail. These towers were originally commissioned by Spanish kings to protect the coastline from the Moors. Right: The Trafalgar Lighthouse comes into vision for the first time during the hike. After that lookout, hikers began to gradually descend to the beach below.
The ocean is a welcome sight at the end of the three-hour hike. The Trafalgar Lighthouse and town of Caños de Meca received voyagers for lunch and a short visit at the end of their journey.
The ocean is a welcome sight at the end of the three-hour hike. The Trafalgar Lighthouse and town of Caños de Meca received voyagers for lunch and a short visit to concluded their journey.
  • Culture

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