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Top-Ten Tuesdays: South African Experiences

Photo Credit: Semester at Sea Student Ryan Shintani

The only difficult thing about making a list of South African wonders is limiting it to ten.

  1. Table Mountain ‚Äì visible from everywhere in Cape Town, including the MV Explorer‘s berth, this natural wonder presented amazing views from above, and a lovely backdrop from below.
  2. Boulder’s Beach ‚Äì penguins. Enough said.
  3. The Garden Route – from Addo National Park to Tsitsikamma, a lovely seaside route featuring a vast array of plants and wildlife
  4. The food – Cape Malay dishes, biltong, seafood, braai, and even ostrich and crocodile for the more adventurous
  5. The flora – spanning multiple biomes, South Africa features some of the most diverse plant life in the world.
  6. The fauna – from dassey on Table Mountain to the Big Five on safari, participants had the opportunity to view and interact with a multitude of animals.
  7. Township visits- from cooking classes to homestays to soccer games, the local people opened their homes and hearts to us, and we will be forever grateful.
  8. The V&A Waterfront ‚Äì one of Cape Town’s “Big Six” and home to the MV Explorer for our stay, the waterfront was a wonder of live entertainment, amazing meals and craft shops
  9. Robben Island – a historical and social landmark, and a destination of many Semester at Sea participants
  10. The people – welcoming, warm, and proud of their lovely country, we could not have asked for better hosts.

Until next time, South Africa…


  • Culture
  • Education
  • Life on Land

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