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Student Photo Gallery: Japan

From Yokohama to Kobe and everywhere in between! Students were in Japan for 6 days and came back to the MV Explorer with great photos showing the beauty of the country.

Everywhere she travels, Nicole Abbott from Oregon State University takes photos of the scenery with whatever shoes she is wearing, so her boyfriend had these shoes customized with the route of the Spring 2015 voyage.
Everywhere she travels, Nicole Abbott from Oregon State University takes photos of the scenery with whatever shoes she is wearing, so her boyfriend had these shoes customized with the route of the Spring 2015 voyage. This was taken at the Golden Pavilion in Kyoto.
Samantha Hutchison, a student at Texas Tech University, stayed the night at Kongobuji Temple in Koyasan with a Semester at Sea field program. The group had the opportunity to watch the monks' morning prayers then go outside to see a fire ceremony. The monk in the foreground is chanting while the others are drumming and striking a singing bowl.
Samantha Hutchison, a student at Texas Tech University, stayed the night at Kongobuji Temple in Koyasan with a Semester at Sea field program. The group had the opportunity to watch the monks’ morning prayers then observe a fire ceremony. The monk in the foreground is chanting while the others are drumming and striking a singing bowl.
In Buddhism, Ojizosan is the deity of unborn children. Parents build the small Ojizosan statues and cover them in aprons and robes to disguise and protect the children from demons. Caleb Pietrafesa of Cornell University took this photo of the Ojizosan statues outside Kiyomizu-dera temple in Kyoto.
In Buddhism, Ojizosan is the deity of unborn children. Parents build the small Ojizosan statues and cover them in aprons and robes to disguise and protect the children from demons. Caleb Pietrafesa of Cornell University took this photo of the Ojizosan statues outside Kiyomizu-dera temple in Kyoto.
In Japan, when you enter a shrine, you practice Omairi. With the dipper, cleanse your left hand, then your right hand, then your lips. Jessica Fulk of Western Kentucky University captured this photo at the Itsukushima shrine on the island of Miyajima.
Before you enter a shrine in Japan, you must cleanse yourself at the temizuya. With the dipper, cleanse your left hand, then your right hand, then your lips. Jessica Fulk of Western Kentucky University captured this photo at the Itsukushima shrine on the island of Miyajima.
Amanda Kaplan from the University of Michigan walked through the Fushimi Inari shrine in Kyoto. She liked how one could only see the Japanese characters by turning around, it required more observation than just walking through.
Amanda Kaplan from the University of Michigan walked through the Fushimi Inari shrine in Kyoto. She liked how one could only see the Japanese characters by turning around, it required more observation than just walking through.
University of Virginia student Nick Bergh traveled to the Black Castle in Matsumoto. The construction of the castle was completed in 1504.
University of Virginia student Nick Bergh traveled to the Black Castle in Matsumoto. The construction of the castle was completed in 1504, and was used by lords of Matsumoto for 364 years.
Vladislav Bunkin, a math and statistics major from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, took this photo while visiting Itsukushima Shrine. While most visit Miyajima Island for the floating Torii gate, the gate is just a fraction of the island's beauty.
Vladislav Bunkin, a math and statistics major from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, took this photo while visiting Itsukushima Shrine. While many visit Miyajima Island for the floating Torii gate, the gate is just a fraction of the island’s beauty.
  • Culture
  • Life on Land

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