India. The land of tea and spices, natural beauty, and man-made splendor. Our students fanned out far and wide across the sub-continent to explore the hustle and bustle of Delhi, hike the foothills of the Himalayas, and find peace in the tranquility of Munnar’s tea plantations. These are the best student photos from the seventh port of Semester at Sea’s Spring 2014 voyage.
Right: Patricio Margain from the Instituto Tecnol√≥gico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey made friends with some local children while at a silk market in Delhi on a Semester at Sea Field Program. “We met these kids and played with them for a while. Although we didn’t speak the same language, we communicated perfectly through laughter and smiles. As we left we gave them bracelets with the Guatemalan flag, it was our own little way of marking our short but memorable time together.”