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Photo Gallery: Neptune Day

“Good morning. By now, you’ve heard quite a ruckus throughout the hallways of our ship. This can mean only one thing – It is NEPTUNE DAY aboard the MV Explorer and it is time for all of you to make your way to the pool deck!”

Every Semester at Sea voyage that sails across the equator celebrates Neptune Day, a ‘crossing of the line’ ceremony that began as a Naval practice over 400 years ago. As the Spring 2015 Voyage sails from India to Mauritius, the MV Explorer crossed the equator and Pollywogs (those who have not crossed the equator) pay tribute to King Neptune to become Shellbacks. So how do you become a Shellback? Follow the step-by-step guide below:

The crew marched through the halls with drums and cymbals for an early morning wakeup.
Step 1: Get woken up early by the crew marching through the halls with drums and cymbals.
Queen Minerva along with Emperor of the Ocean King Neptune are introduced on deck 7.
Step 2: Meet Queen Minerva along with The Emperor of the Ocean King Neptune on deck 7.
Pollywogs start with a dousing of 'fish guts' (green water).
Step 3: Get doused with fish guts (green water) along with the other Pollywogs.
Kiss Fish
Step 4: Kiss the fish.
Kiss Ring
Step 5: Kiss King Neptune’s diamond ring.
Neptune Day, Spring 2015 Voyage | Evan Meyer / Semester at Sea
Step 6: Get knighted by the Royal Chamberlain.
Shave Head
Step 7 (optional): Have your head shaved by the Royal Barbers!
Congratulations, you are now a Trusty Shellback!
  • Culture
  • Life at Sea

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