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Neptune Day: Crossing into the Southern Oceans

The MV Explorer recently crossed the Equator into the Southern Oceans. This event was cause for King Neptune to board the ship to deem whether the Pollywogs, all voyagers crossing the Equator for the first time, were worthy of his maritime favor. In a ceremony involving shaved heads and the kissing of fish, the Pollywogs were converted into Shellbacks and proclaimed citizens of the deep by his majesty, the Emperor of the Ocean, King Neptune! Get a glimpse of the maritime merriment and equatorial excitement had by all with the following photo gallery.

The cabin stewards donned the role of King Neptune’s Army, clanging and banging down the hallways awakening all of the sleeping Pollywogs.
King Neptune, a rather green Professor Ian Campbell, prepared his royal court in the Glazer Lounge before appearing before the lowly Pollywogs on the 7th deck to grant them admission into the Southern Oceans.
Alumni who have previously crossed the Equator formed King Neptune’s court. Assistant Academic Dean Zaneeta Daver, who sailed as a student in 1994, prepared for her role as a Royal Fish Handler with festive green face paint.
King Neptune’s Army lead the royal procession through the ship to the 7th deck aft, commencing the official ceremony.
Madeline Keulen from the University of Texas Austin, Connor Mulcahy from Santa Monica College, Danielle Wagner from the University of Missouri Columbia, and Annie Blackwood from the University of Tennessee kneel with the other landlubbing Pollywogs before King Neptune to plead for admission across the Equator.
Dujuan Smith and Stacy Rothberg from the Student Life team were among the first Pollywogs to pay allegiance to King Neptune and his court by having “fish guts” dumped over their heads.
Nicole Dawson from Boston University (left) and Robert McDonald from the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design (middle) take the first step in transforming from a mere Pollywog to a Shellback: being doused in “fish guts.”
Master of Ceremonies Drew Kahn orders the newly anointed Pollywogs into the pool before lining up to kiss the fish.
Erin Crean from Clemson University puckers up to kiss the fish held by Royal Fish Handler Faye Serio.
All Pollywogs had to kneel before King Neptune and kiss his ring to gain their status as Shellbacks.
Veteran voyager Sara Clement plays the role of Goddess and Assistant Barber as she shaves Seth Martin’s head.
Many women on the ship weren’t afraid to bare their scalps for King Neptune. Royal Barber Andrew Allison cuts off Ada Vargas’s long brown hair (left) and Leigh Anne Gilbert begins shaving Adriana Ray’s blonde locks (right).
  • Life at Sea

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