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Celebrating 56 years of Semester at Sea

Counting down to Founders’ Day

Founders’ Day (October 22) is a worldwide celebration for Semester At Sea’s alumni. For 56 years, over 60,000 alumni have experienced unparalleled voyages and life-changing bonds and memories. This year, we are asking alumni to celebrate their Semester at Sea memories and connect with fellow alumni.

Here are 4 easy steps for you to show your SAS pride and re-engage with your beloved floating campus:

1. Show off your Semester At Sea fashion on October 22, 2019.

On Founders’ Day, post photos of yourself in your Semester at Sea swag on social media and tag @semesteratsea and use #SASfoundersday #semesteratsea #studyabroad #SASalumni

Don’t have any SAS swag? We’ve got you covered. Use promocode: FOUNDERSDAY56 for 20% off all Semester At Sea merch between now and October 22.

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2. Get your FREE decal by updating your info in the Alumni Directory.

All of our alumni all have experienced life changes since sailing. Update your last name, phone, email, and/or home address so you can remain connected to your fellow shipmates and the SAS community. Everyone who updates their info, including their home address, will be mailed a Semester at Sea decal for free!

Update my information

3. Get Social!

  • Connect with your voyage’s Facebook Group. We are using Facebook Groups to keep our communities active and in connection with one another. Join your shipmates now and reconnect with people you sang, danced, learned, swam, laughed, and cried with as you traveled the globe.
  • Post your best SAS throwback photo on your Facebook timeline and Instagram feed. Between now and Founders’ Day, tag your shipmates in the photo, @semseteratsea, and use the hashtags #SASfoundersday #semesteratsea #studyabroad #SASalumni.
  • Invite your shipmates to your voyage Facebook Group. Missing members? Invite your friends so they can connect! The voyage group with 1) the most complete group page and 2) the highest percentage of increased alumni membership by Founders’ Day will each win a 2019 Founders’ Day Challenge.
  • Bring back the memories ‚Äì share a big group photo in your voyage Facebook Group and tag as many people as you can in it! The voyage with the biggest group photo with the most people properly tagged will win a 2019 Founders’ Day Challenge!
  • Reconnect, share, learn, and reminisce. The voyage with the highest engagement in their Facebook Group between now and Founders’ Day based on photos, comments, and reactions will win a 2019 Founders’ Day Challenge.

4. Reconnect in person at a local Founders’ Day celebration.

We are throwing celebrations all over the U.S. and Canada to bring alumni together again. The chapter with the most turnout (percentage of people in an area will be considered) will win a 2019 Founders’ Day Challenge!

Find a celebration near me

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