A huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated in Semester at Sea’s first-ever Day of Giving! Not only did we meet our goal, we exceeded it! In a short 24-hour window, together we raised $185,265 for the Semester at Sea Annual Fund.
Thank you to:
Michele Abbott
Nancy Abbott
Mary and Daniel Abel
Jennafer Abrams
Emily Acosta Lewis and Joshua Lewis
Lia Albini
Adrienne L. Aldermeshian
James Allen
Robin Allen
Dwight Allison
Barbara and Michael Allison
Andrew Allison
Chelsea Altgelt
Elizabeth Amory
Jane Anderson
Monika Nagy and Rico Andrade
Mary Andres
Jillian Anthony
Adam Aronovitz
Arian Ashworth
Daniel J. Askew
Cynthia and Robert Atkinson
Jennifer Avallon
Susie and Greg Azorsky
Laura Baas
Connie and Gary Bakker
Roy Baladi
Ashley and Bobby Barber
Catherine and James Barber
Michael Barber
Jeanette Barker
Denise Barlow
Robert Barrett
Andrea Bartman
Lauren Bauer
Mark Beamish
Chad Benedict
Eric Bennett
Matthew Bentrott
Philip J. Bergen
Michael Berman
Jessica Berman
Marcey Berman
Nancy Berry
Joey Besl
Patricia Billard
Melissa J. Bingler
Lisa and Bradley Blackwell
Amanda Blackwell
Kathrine Blomquist
Elisabeth and Charles Blue
Chris Bohanon
Jacquelyn Bolen
Jodi A. Bolognese
Kristy Bonanno
Jessica A. Bondi
Elizabeth Bonney
Leigh Borgers
Jennifer Bouchamoun
Claire Boyce
Mandy Bratton
Collin Breuhaus
Jacqueline Brink
Brenda Brooks
Katherine Broome
Amy Niedzalkoski Brown
Michael Brown
Laura Brownlee
Jeffrey L. Bugno
William Burgh
Megan Burke
Amy and Jonathan Burky
Karen Burns
Mary Huffman
Rosaly Byrd
Rose Cabral
Leonard Campbell
Annie and Jeffrey Campbell
Katelyn Campbell and Samuel Jensen
Valerie Caprigno
Anne Cardenas
Pam and Ron Carey
Anna M. Carey
Meredith B. Carey
Mary and William Carpi
Erica Carroll
Marill Carroll
Cassie M. Carte
Lindsey Casagrande
Daniel Casey
Caitlyn Caster
Lisa and Bruno Cavelier
Caterina Cazzola
Andrew Centofante
Susan and Peter Chakerian
Elizabeth Chapman
Lisa Cheng
Gretchen D. Chrane
Mark Christine
Christopher W. Churma
Donald Clark
Nancy Clemente
Christine Clermont
Amy Cohen
Rachel Cohen
Frances and Bradford Colby
Cassandra-Marie J. Cole
Jamie Wade Comstock
Kristina Connors
Griffith C. Conti
Alicia S. Cook
Jan and Craig Cook
Vicki Cooper-Doughty and Stephen Doughty
Leslie and Frank Corbett
Matthew W. Corboy
Jennifer Cornely
Linda and Robert Cornett
Karla Correll
Erika and Joseph Couture
Patricia Crawford
Lane Crawford
Theresa Creten
William Cuff
John Cutter
Rodney Cyr
Aundrea Dahl
Eileen Piersa and Steve Dahl
Tiffany M. Daly
Shannon Daly
Annemarie Dammeyer
Lindsay Dana
Calley Danneberg
Julie Miller and Paul Dansereau
Zubin Davar
Linda and Tony David
Samantha David
Nikki and Geoffrey Davidson
Deborah Davidson
Brooke Davis
Kathleen Davisson
Kelley A. Bieringer and Joshua Dawkins
Jane A. De George
Gwen Dean
Katie Dean
Shelly and Michael Dee
Margaret Defranco and Theodore Ford
Dora and David DeGeorge
Jamie Degnan
Lauren V. Deleo
Gabrielle Demarchi
Jeanine and Phaon Derr
Caroline I. Deschak
Elisabeth and Jeffery Descombes
Felicia F. Di Silvestro
Lark and Robert Diaz
Elizabeth Dickson
Remy Dikeou
Panayes M. Dikeou
Shannon Dingle
Jared Donnelly
Brandon M. Donnelly
Erin M. Donnelly
Allison Doody
Catherine N. Dorset
Connor J. Dowd
Laura and Randy Dudley
Mary and Eric Dufford
Craig Duncan
David and Margaret Dunne
Joshua Dver
Ilene Echavarria
Bibb C. Edwards
Marigold Edwards
Susan Edwards and Skip Aluisy
Graham A. A. Edwards
Graham Egan
Rachel Kenary Egan
Jesse Einstein
Valerie Eisenberg
Kimberly Thompson
Amanda English
Jacqueline Erdo
Jeanine and Rockiss Estrada
Ian J. Etherton
Russell D. Evans
Martha Evans-Mongeon
Alexandra Failla
Gwenn A. Fairall
Lisa Farnan
Mary U. Farrimond
Elizabeth Farry
James Fealey
Payton Fedell
Adam Fernandez
Marti Fessenden and Suzanne Schultz
Shelley Fetterman
Renee and Tayo Fichtl
Maureen Long and Anthony Fiorini
Heidi Fisher
Judith and Ellis Thomas Fisher
Kellen B. Fisher
Margaret and Matthew Fitzgerald
Michael Fleming
Donna Fleming and Frederik Kaufman
Bonnie M. Fletcher
Elaine Flynn
Joseph B. Folds IV
Hayden Ford
Eric Forti
D. Scott and Emily Foshee
Gretchen and Dane Foust
Alyssa Foust
Cherie France
Stephen Freudenberg
Julie Friedlander
Linzi Friedman
Sherrie Frieling
Irene Frieze and Walter Wiewiora
Jeremy Fryd
Miho Fujii
Hannah Funk
Jody Funk
Julia Furer
Karen B. Futernick
Bryan Gaetani
Laura Gajda
Christopher Gallagher
Gregory Gallant
Morgan Ganoe
Danielle Gardner
Frederick Gardner
Jeff Garrett
Patrick Garrett
Barbara and Daniel Garvey
Sara Garvick
Christie Gascoigne
Victoria L. Genuardi
Susan and Gautam Ghosh
Amy Giannini
Rebekah Giaraffa
Bunny and Joel Gibbons
Francine and David Gibbons
Wendy J. Gigler
Shirley and Larry Gilbreath
Brett Gildea
Lucy A. Gillis
JoAnn and John Girard
Julia B. Glazer
Lisa Braun-Glazer and Jeffrey Glazer
Erika Gleason
Ann Goettman
Deborah and Donald Gogniat
Scott Goldberg
Jacqueline K. Goodman
A. Mac Gordon
Patricia Gorman
Juline Grabowski
James Granade and Nancy Covert
Mary and Larry Grant
Elizabeth Grater
Patti and Marc Grimes
Michael Groff
Linda and Bernard Grogan
Amanda Grond
Alix C. Grossman
Jane and Gary Gruber
Rebecca L. Gruber
Emily Guadagno
Lisa Guetzkow
Allison and Peter Haertling
Kelli Hagan
James Hajjar
Kathryn Halliday
Erica Hamilton
Christopher Hamilton
Kenneth Hamm
Elise Handler
Layne Hanson and Brian Williams
Maranda Hanson
John Harkins
Marissa F. Harnett
Lars Harrison
Sarah Harte
Kaitlin Hartley
Kendra Hartwell
Charles Harvey
Robert Haysley
Laura Heinichen
Eva and Grant Hellar
Katrina Helle
Madison Henry
Aryanna Hering
Alexandra Herrick
Bethany Hickey
Mitchel Hoban
Elizabeth Hoff Blackmer
Briavel Holcomb
Angela and Kevin Hollinshead
Iyanna Holmes
Mark Horsburgh
Brian Horsburgh
Gregory Hunter
Jill A. Hurd and Oscar Zavala
Alisa Iantosca
Charles Irby
Martin Isaac
Kimberly J. Isaak
Clare Jackman
Eithne Jackman
Kathryn M. Jenulis
Nancy Johnson and and Charles Osterbrink
Krystal Johnson
Leslie Johnson
Elizabeth T. Johnson
Lisa N. Johnston
Benjamin Jones
Melanie and Luke Jones
Carolyn L. Jones
Lauren and James Judge
Nathan T. Juhos
Megan Julian
Grazyna L. Kabat
Natalie Kaharick
Natalie Kalustian
Anne and Michael Karlberg
Alisa Karolin
Emily N. Kathe
Susan E. Kattwinkel
Jonathan Katz
Jean and Ben Katz
Amber Keeney
James Andre and Paul Kellogg
Hannah Kelly
Rebecca and Brad Kenemuth
Fran and Paul Kent
Samantha Kettering
Wendy and Mark Kettering
Luke Ketzenbarger
Krishna Birsky Khalsa
Barbara Bethke and Alison Kim
Michelle and Brent Kimball
Elizabeth Kincaid
Briana A. King
J. Chris Kirtley
Alyssa Kitlas
Bodee Kittikamron
Seth G. Klebe
Caryn Klein
Beth and Tommy Knapp
Joan Knecht
Paige P. Knipfer
Cheryl Knobel
Sarah and Garrett Knudsen
Emily Knuutinen
Linda Kobert and Stephen Ganong
Kyle Koelbel
Katherine Kohls
Valerie and Jeremy Kong
Shannon Korff
Willard A. Korson
Peter Kosanovich
Leeanne Kosovich and James Brummer
Caroline Kosse
Emily Kossel
Aparna Kothary and Karthik Subramaniam
Elizabeth Kramer
Kenneth A. Kreinheder
Melanie Kristoferson
Elizabeth C. Kunkle
Tiffany Kurzawa
Ashley M. Lacourse
Nicole Laliberte
Stefanie Lampf
Star Lancaster
Lisa Landreman and Mark Mikula
Brett Lane
Diana M. Larkin
Joanne Larson
Erin Lawton
McKenzie Lay
Sara Le Meitour
Vanessa Lee
Catherine Lee
Jeanette Lefevre
Jeffrey Lefrancois
Jana Lefsrud
Brenda and Thomas Legard
Melissa Lehman
Sarah Leibach
Teresa Leighton
Stephanie Lewin
Trudy Lewis
Jessica and Hongbin Li
Paul W. Liebhardt
Danielle Lien
Kirsten Lindberg
Caitlin Lippert
Joan R. Lippman
Nicole Lipsky
Agnes Liptak
Jennifer M. Lister
Hope Looney
Amy M. Lorino
Johanna Lou and Daniel Hanley
Benjamin Lubarsky
Leonie and Keith Lumpkin
Paige Lundein
Megan Lundy
Ruth MacCormack
Brekk C. MacPherson
Marisa L. Magazine
Andrew B. Mahoney
Shahzain Malik
Gerry Manikus
Kathleen Manning
Susan Maran
Janie Marksberry
Cynthia and Michael Martin
Ellen G. Martin
Eileen Martinez
Ruth and Gregory Mason
Ashleigh Mason
Kim Matson and David Zachow
Briana Maturi
Julia and Bob May
Stephen May
Lindsay Mays
Les McCabe
Bernard J. McCabe III
Beth McCarthy
Francine D. McCauley
Kyle P. McDougle
Kimberly McGeever
Brandee and John McGinnis
Kathleen McLaren-Hawking and Mark Hawking
Helen Meaher
Meagan Meek
Natalie Meeks
Brenda J. Melan
Kelly Mertens
Kimberly Miescher
Andrew Millard
Angela D. Miller
Bradford Miller
Carolyn B. Miller
Julie Miller
Andrea Bauer Miller
Jeremy Miller
Karen and Matt Minno
Temica Mitchell
Lexi Mitz
Anne Moelk
Veronica and Audaz Molina
Margaret Moll
Andrea Moore
Natasia Moose
Katherine Moosmann
Thirza Moran
Yesenia Moreno
Hanna Morgan
Linda B. Morris
Timothy Mosehauer
Sherry Moseley
Mark and Louise Mosrie
Erica Moyer
Heather Muir
Michele Muller
Kathryn and Neale Mulligan
Melanie Mulvihill
Olga Munoz
Anne and Martin Muradaz
Cassin Muramoto
Sandra D. Muvdi
Rick Nafis
Kyle Nash
Collin Neal
Jaime Neaman
Thea Necker-Wachter
Janny Ng
Katharine Nichols-Smith
Kaleen Nora
Lauren Norton
Pat O’Brien
Jamie O’Callaghan
Allison S. O’Connell
Erin O’Hara
Sadie O’Shaughnessy
Andrew O’Such
Elizabeth and Bruce Olson
Sarah Olson
Cortney Ortuzar
Sylvia Ott
Jennifer and Benjamin Ottenhoff
Jean M. Ouye
Dorothy and Raymond Owen
Lisa and Tyler Owen
Brittany Palmer
Mary Jo Palmieri-Wolk
Shauna Fleming and Matthew Parisi
Laura Partridge
Candace Patrick
Mark Patterson
Kartcher Pauley
Kathleen and Mark Paur
Matthew Paur
Ann-Stuart Pearce
Laurel Pendleton
Lauren Perth
Rachel Peterson
Jami Peterson
Waldemar Pflepsen
Terri Pham
Susan B. Phelps
Vanessa Pileggi
Dee Pinkney
Edwin Platt IV
Jill Pomeroy
Kathleen Pond
Taylor Pond
Elizabeth Porter
Tom Powell
Brett Chatelain and Thomas Powell
Erika and Darryl Praul
Ryan Quinn
Wendy and Ronald Quinn
Suzanne Quist
Elizabeth Raflowitz
Janelle Rahyns
Ellen and Scott Ramsey
Kiersten Randolph
Annie Rappeport and Jordan W. Marshall
Zachary Reaver
Marna and Earl Redding
Linda and Thomas Reid
Megan Reilly
Debra and Richard Resling
Hanni and Gavi Ress
Karin A. A. Rex
Michelle Rich
Leah Richardson
Shannon and Brad Richter
Margaret and Leo Riedinger
Michael Ries
Jennifer Ritter
Nathaniel Robinson
Brittany Robles
Abbie Roden
Fiona Rodgers
Carla Rodriguez
Danielle A. Roe
Janelle and Brett Roethemeyer
Bryan Rogers
Lindsey C. Romes
William Romey
Ashley Roque
Nils S. Rosaen
Sandy and David Roseman
Pamela N. Rosenberg
Armin Rosencranz
Diana and Ron Roskuski
Byron and Michelle Roth
Diane P. Rothman
Karen and Steve Royce
Ellen Rubenstein-Chelmis
Megan Ruffe
Richard M. Ruggiero
Mark Ruggiero
Nora B. Runsdorf
Deborah Rushing
Heather Brown Ryerson
Paul Salazar
Amanda Samson
Catherine and John Sanders
Sarah C. Sandin
Emily Sandoval and Jacques Zalma
Julie Sauchelli
Gwen and Jay Sauls
Michael Savas
Suzanne Sawin-vanZwol
Sally Sawtelle Otvos
Rebecca Scane
Christine and Vincent Schaff
Ethan O. Schelin
Barbara A. Schinzinger
Lisa E. Schlosberg
Daniel W. Schmidt
Kathryn L. Schnurr
Kelly Schuberth
Elissa Schwartz
Jennafer and Edgar Seeley
Adam D. Seid
Faye and John Serio
Whitney Sharpe
Kaitlyn Shaw
Robert Shepherd
Steven Shepherd
Tracy Sherman and Steve Friedman
Aparna Shewakramani
Lauren Sidrow
Lynne Silva
Kelly Simonson
John Sinchak
Viva Sisson and James Cooper
Caroline Slattery
Sheryl Zimmerman and Philip Sloane
Terrance Smith
Sandra and Robert Smith
Tyler J. Smith and Michael Fowler
Anya Smith-Jordan
McKinley S. Soares
Jan Soifer and Pat O’Connell
Katherine Sola
Patricia Sotela
James Spain
Garth Spiller
Kathy and Daniel Sprau
Laurie Sprouse and Chris Cole
Glenn D. Spungen
Kaitlyn A. Squanda
Jonathan Squibb
Janet St. Pierre
Andrew C. Stadelmaier
Rejina Stallings
Stephanie Stapleton
Joe and Hilarie Staton
Toby Stauffer
James Staunton
Ashley Steinfeld
Julie Stelzner
Diane Stielstra and Donn Fry
Carol and Richard Stock
Ashley Stoner
Christine Strahm
Jennifer Strauss
Eileen and Bernard Strenecky
Vicki and Whitney Strotz
Wesley Sullivan and Stephanie Shaker Sullivan
Jaime E. Summers
Miles Suter
Judith Swanson-Howell
Alyssa Tamlyn-Hayden
Ashley Tanner
Mary Ann Tasker-Thompson and Kenneth Thompson
Adrienne and Ian Tate
Victoria Tauxe
Holly Tawil and Pedro Larrea Rubio
Andrew Terrell
Evan Terwilliger
Sharon Testor
Kelsey Tetsworth
Abigail Thayer
Mary E. Thielemeir
Nicholas Thomas
Isaiah J. Thomas
Linda D. Thomas
Austin H. Thompson
Peter K. Thompson
Sara Thompson
Herbert Thompson
Susan A. Thornton
Nancy Tietge
Breana Timlin
Elisabeth Tippens
Kristel Todd
Linda Glazer Toohey and Michael Toohey
Craig and Lisa Torbett
Terrie Tran
Kate Troiano
Heather M. Trotta
Wendy and Bruce True
Gilbert and Mary Tullock
Andrew Upah
Jana Valenti
Kelsey Valley
Jason Vanhee
Theresa Vecchio
Abby and Robert Vieira
Hyla and Barry Vine
Nancy and Joseph Visenberg
John and Victoria Vitsur
Armand Vonsiatsky
Jennifer and Gary Vujovich
Jessica Wagoner
Younghee Wait
Alexander Walker
Samuel Walsh
Sarah Waple
Eric N. Wasserstrom
Lauren M. Watel
Lynn Sarf and Richard Watkins
Hedwig and Jim Watson
Caitlin Weaver
Rachel W. Weinberg
Amy Weinstein
Joshua Weisberg
Laura Wells
Christine Whang
Christine S. White
Brandon Whitworth
Melinda Cain Widener
Melissa Wierema
Karye Wilhelm
Elizabeth Williams
Anna Williams
Jennifer Wilson
Julie S. Wilson
Melanie Wilson
Marilyn and Michael Wilson
Bolling S. Winborne
Karen Winston
Bryan Woelfel
Darren Wong-Ward
Sarah B. Worrell
Allison Wozniak
Lisa Wray and Brett Weiss
Louise and Frank Wright
Mara Yanoshik and Justin Mitchell
Shari Young
Samantha Young
Liz Zavodsky and Jeremy Mohr
Brittany Zelman
Dianne and Marc Zimmer
Gregory Zinkham
Christina and Daniel Zoll
Jennifer and Michael Zoll
Kelsey J. Zukowski
Congratulations to the voyage of Fall 2005 for having the most donors of any voyage, and the voyagers of Spring 1984 for raising the most funds for SAS!
A special thank you to Lisa Braun-Glazer and Jeff Glazer, Chair of the Advancement Committee and ISE Trustee, who generously matched any gift of $1,000 or more, one-for-one, up to $100,000.
We would also like to thank the Alumni Association Board of Directors (AABOD) for generously creating an “Early Bird Challenge” on the Day of Giving. The AABOD matched every gift during the first hour of giving, dollar for dollar, up to $50,000.
If you made a gift, you may still have an opportunity to double that gift without spending a dollar more. Many companies will match their employees’ gifts to nonprofit organizations like Semester at Sea.
- You may be able to double or triple your gift if you or your spouse works for a company that matches gifts to non-profit organizations.
- Retired employees often qualify for matching gifts programs.
- You will receive credit for the total sum of the gift.
- To find out if your employer offers a matching gifts program, contact your company’s human resources office. The Institute for Shipboard Education’s tax identification number (EIN) is 95-3075415.
On behalf of all those who benefit from your generosity, we thank you again for your support!
P.S. If you happened to miss out on the Day of Giving, it isn’t too late to give! The SAS fiscal year ends May 31, so you still have time to make a gift for this year: semesterseadev.wpengine.com/give